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Lord & Company (Australia)

"Lord & Company sees WeCrest as a helpful tool for business development and for analyzing and interpreting intellectual property systems."

An established Australian patent and trademark firm based in Perth, Lord & Co has been providing valuable advice and legal services to those who seek to protect their IP rights in Australia and New Zealand for over 40 years.

The team specializes in a wide range of technical disciplines, including biotechnology and engineering, and strives to provide tailored and dedicated services to each and every client. The firm has extensive experience in a wide range of industries such as, but not limited to, communication, IT, food and agriculture, and the manufacturing sector.

For more information on Lord & Co, please visit

Over the years, Lord & Co has built and maintained countless close affiliations with law firms around the world to guarantee the best possible service both internationally and locally. WeCrest's software has enabled the firm to take this one step further, as described by Managing Partner Zhi Ling Zeng below:

"We commenced integration of the WeCrest Suite of tools in February 2021. Whilst we have only recently started using the system we have had positive results from a number of associates responding to us and forming connections with other IP professionals. The software has been simple to use and produces outputs that are easily manageable for further data manipulation. We also foresee that the information collected by WeCrest will be beneficial to us in reviewing and analyzing industry trends. Lord & Company sees WeCrest as a helpful tool for business development and for analyzing and interpreting intellectual property systems."
Lord & Company (Australia)

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