WeCrest Executive

Acquire new trademark clients & cases with the WeCrest Executive service. Let us handle your business development needs with trademark case data insights and effective email marketing.

Stay ahead of your competition, Increase your revenue, and form new client relationships without spending too much time on business development.

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What is included in WeCrest Executive?

Crafting email campaigns

We create email campaigns tailored to your customized business development strategy, e.g. contacting existing clients, contacting new clients, setting up meetings at conferences and on business trips, or arranging video calls.

Executing campaigns

The number of emails that we send can vary from a few dozen to several thousand per month, all depending on your customized business development strategy. One thing that all campaigns have in common is that our emails are highly targeted. Your reputation is the most important thing for us, so we do not want to jeopardize it by engaging in “spamming” practices.

Optimizing email outreach

We A/B test your email templates and optimize for deliverability, open and click rates, replies, and case acquisition. We know how to turn data insights intotangible results.

Managing contacts

Like every WeCrest member, you have access to our curatedemail database of 40,000+ IP professionals around the world, mostly decision-makers at IP law firms. We add, update, and unsubscribe email contacts directly in your WeCrest account, thereby creating for you your very own business developmentemail database.

Optimization video calls

Our monthly optimization sessions via video call are pivotal. In these calls, we guide you through the process of determining a customized business development strategy for your firm. We alsogo over the previous month’s performance and discussoptimization ideas for the next month.

Reporting results

We report monthly on your WeCrest Executive results including email sending analytics along with recommendations for strategies. These results are discussed in our monthly optimization calls.

Frequently asked questions

From which email address will WeCrest BDC send emails?
Who will receive the email replies?
Can I review emails before you send them?
How much does it cost?
How can I pay for this service?
How does cancellation work?

Frequently asked questions

From which email address will WeCrest BDC send emails?
Who will receive the email replies?
Can I review emails before you send them?
How much does it cost?
How can I pay for this service?
How does cancellation work?


Advitam IP, LLC

"WeCrest becomes a most welcomed part of your
team, is always there when needed, and roots
for your success."

"WeCrest becomes a most welcomed part of your team, is always there when needed, and roots for your success."

Michele Katz
Founding Partner
Chofn Intellectual Property

"Our experience with WeCrest is impressive. The time spent on extracting data from WIPO's website has been dramatically reduced in a more convenient and efficient way. WeCrest is helpful and informative."

Xiaoming Liu
Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property

"We have been using WeCrest for almost two years now, and the analytic and reporting tools are very helpful for us as an IP leader. We really enjoy WeCrest and every day there is something new! The WeCrest team is very supportive."

Ali H. Hijazi
Business Development Executive Director
Pipers Intellectual Property
New Zealand

"WeCrest has provided us with a further option in boosting the development of our international reach….Thanks to WeCrest, we can create and foster reciprocity relationships going forward.”

Thomas Robinson-Piper
IP Wisely

“Thanks to WeCrest, we have been able to assist a large number of new clients, and the platform is still contributing to enlarging our network of law firm partners all around the world."

Riccardo Ciullo
Founding Partner
Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP

"WeCrest has allowed us to expand and boost our international reach, In fact, WeCrest has been a huge contributor to our trademark prosecution matters.”

Erin McEwen
Trademark Agent

“WeCrest has replaced all other databases as our go-to platform for trademarks, and it has developed into a crucial tool for our firm.”

Pham Duc Thang
Founding Partner
MT4 Intellectual Property

“WeCrest has been a great partner in the last years. The tool helps in setting up the company's strategy as a whole… Definitely one of the best investments we have made."

Mauricio Tavares
Founding Partner
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